Past Event
The Pleiades Sacred Calendar
Visioning Our Future
February 20, 2020 • 6:00 - 9:00 PM
An Astrological “Sacred Timing” 3-Week Course
Thursdays, February 20, 27, and March 5, 2020 6:00 – 9:00 PM
DeMun Healing, 734 De Mun Ave., Clayton, MO 63105
“Love knows not distance; It hath no continent; Its eyes are for the stars.”
-Lucinda Riley
Join us for a cosmic navigational journey to Venus, Star Group Pleiades – Seven Weeping Sisters, the mythology of ancient day-keeping cultures and the astrology of the 20 day-signs/13 numbers sacred calendar tied to the Mayan Culture.
This 3-week mini-class will introduce us to a new astrological perspective, and set us on a pathway to utilize our personal, daily sacred energy source, keep our own days, and vision the future. We will start our year with a new sense of time, enriched understanding, and expanding hope.
Visioning our Future – The Pleiades Sacred Calendar will unfold in 3 weekly lessons.
3-Hour Classes (3 weekly meetings) $100.00
Contact Nikki: for PRE-REGISTRATION information and a detailed syllabus