Past Event
Fun, Games, and Magic for the Serious Astrologer, Class #3 of 4: Star Techniques and Divine Feminine
A Four-Session ONLINE Playful Romp Through the Celestial Arts

September 05, 2020 • 4 - 5:30 PM CDT
Fun, Games, and Magic for the Serious Astrologer,
Class #3: Star Techniques and Divine Feminine on 9-5-2020
Saturday, 8-22, 8-29, 9-5, 9-12, 2020, 4-6 PM CDT
Join us on ZOOM for an online 4-week adventure. I want to share with you an unusual variety of astrological sparkling top notes to help get us through our journey over the next few months. We will be exploring:
- Class #1 - Moon Spells
- Class #2 - Healing Energies
- Class #3 - Star Techniques and Divine Feminine: Connections to our Cosmic Purpose, Our important "Rising Stars" in our charts, Opening to the the Pleiades (Seven Weeping Sisters), and the Magical Messages of the Goddess Asteroid Mysteries and Muses.
- Class #4 - Multicultural Viewpoints: Mayan Astrology, Native American Stories, Vedic Views with the help of Ganesha, and a peek at "EthnoAstrology" and Your Tribe.
90 Minute Classes: $25.00 for each session (Payment through website –
Contact Nikki: for PRE-REGISTRATION and include your birth info: birth date, birth time, birth location for your free Astrological Chart which will be sent to you through your email. After you are registered, I will send you, via email, the ZOOM link on the day prior to each session.