
Past Event

Astrology's Planetary Angels and Crystal Grids

An Astrological Playshop


February 08, 2020 • 1:00 - 4:00 PM

An Astrological Playshop

Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:00 - 4:00 PM

DeMun Healing, 734 De Mun Ave., Clayton, MO 63105

Planetary Angels and Crystal Grids is an astrological look at planetary patterns in our natal chart. Come learn how to identify personal planetary angels and how to work with their energy through the magic of our crystal allies!

We will explore the use of crystals and healing stones on a very personal basis informed by our planets and sacred geometry in our birth charts.

To save a place, pre-registration with birth information for your PERSONALIZED chart (your name, birth DATE, birth TIME, and birth PLACE) should be emailed to Nikki Davenport There is also an option to pre-register on this website (Add to Cart) and pay on-line or defer payment and pay at door the day of the playshop.

3-Hour Playshop - $35.00