
Past Event

An Astrological View on the Complex Matrix of Family

Just in Time for the Holidays!


December 14, 2019 • 1:00 - 4:00 PM

An Astrological Playshop

Saturday, December 14, 2019 1-4 PM

DeMun Healing, 734 De Mun Ave., Clayton, MO 63105

“What if we thought of the family less as the determining influence by which we are formed and more the raw material from which we can make a life?” Thomas Moore

Our family is a system moving through time and brings us the greatest joys and the greatest challenges we face in life!

Join us to look at our family through the cosmic perspective of the signs, planets, and energies in our astrological birth charts. Each planet has a role in our family system, family myths are the accounts of the family soul, and family aspects repeat among family members.

To save a place, pre-registration with birth information for your astrological chart (your name, birth date, birth time, and birth place) should be emailed to Nikki

3 Hour Playshop $35