
Wesak FULL MOON Observance

May 05, 2020


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Wesak Full Moon Observance

Thursday, May 7, 2020 – Scorpio Full Moon at 17 Scorpio/17 Taurus

“Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds. Shine!” Buddha

We are moving toward powerful magic as the Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon (17 Scorpio-17 Taurus) on Thursday, May 7, at 5:45 AM CDT opens the illuminating Wesak gateway.

Wesak is the yearly celebration of the Buddha, the God spirit within us, our connection to all creation, and the time when the veil is thin between our 1st Dimension Earth Heart and the higher dimensional planes: 6th Dimension-Pleiades, 7th Dimension-Sirius, and 8th Dimension-Galactic Core.

May 7, 2020 Full Moon guides us to an awakening state of wisdom and enlightenment with our souls, and also gifts us with mystical sacred geometry. Mercury is conjunct the Sun bringing us a strong desire to understand more. Moon is trine Neptune in Pisces. We can share great healing, nurturing, empathy with our tribe, our fellow humans (Moon). We are feeling the depths of the deep mysteries of the spiritual waters (Neptune). Moon’s Nodes, our axis of fate, moved from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius. We are threshold walkers. We navigate a changed world!

Our magical Full Moon brings us personal and universal healing insights, new ways to understand the world around us, and deeply devotional connections with those we share our lives!

“Let our souls forever blaze as eternal stars in the Heart of God.” Paramahansa Yogananda

At 5:45 AM CDT join in silent meditation with enlightened souls across Earth:


From the point of light within the Mind of God, Let Light stream forth into our minds, Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God, Let Love stream forth into our hearts, May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known, Let purpose guide our wills, The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out, And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. Let LIGHT and LOVE and POWER restore The Planet Earth!